Sunday, September 13, 2009

Order of Wedding Events / Orden de la Boda

Friday 2nd Oct - Stag Night/Hen Party Commences at 21:00 in the "Dos Calles" Pub. Ends late...

Saturday 3rd Oct - Wedding Ceremony commences at 18:00 - The "Cristo Vive" Church - Calle de Juan Sebastián Elcano 19, San Juan Town.

- The Evening Reception/Disco etc. - 20.00 - Hotel Playa Campello - C/San Vicente, 36, El Campello

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Agradecimiento / Greetings

We would just like to thank everyone who has confirmed their presence at our wedding on October 3rd. We really look forward to spending some time with you, and the added bonus is that we won't be working, meaning our first holiday in over a year.

We would also like to thank all of our family; who won't be able to be with us on our very special day, for all of their kind messages and blessings. We will make sure that everyone gets to see the photos of all of our very special memories that we enjoy with our family and friends.

Estamos agradecidos a todos los que nos acompañaran en este dia tan especial y a los que no podran estar con nosotros que sabemos que nos desean lo mejor en nuestra nueva vida y que estaran presentes en nuestro corazon, y pensamiento , y gracias por vuestras oraciones, que el señor os bendiga.

Lots of Love / Con amor
Andrew / Patricia

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Wedding Fiesta Invitation

Andrew and Patricia would like to formally welcome you to our wedding on October 3rd 2009, here in El Campello and San Juan.

The Stag Night and Hen Party will be on Thursday Ist October and will start off with both parties spending time together on a Tapas pub crawl, and then we will go our own separate ways. Luckily we are so responsible now that I'm sure everyone will make it back home safely, but I have planned the night 48 hours prior to the wedding, just in case anybody get's lost.

The Wedding will be held in the Evangelical Church we attend in San Juan and the service will be held in English. The reception will be held in a hotel just 100m from the beach here in El Campello, where I will be negotiating prices for rooms within the next few days. I will update the blog with this information when available.

Hope you can come to join us in the Wedding Fiesta of the year where we will have guests of many nationalities. I will also post a list of confirmed guests shortly.

Please come if you can and just email me if you need any further details regards travel and accommodation.

Looking forward to seeing our friends and family with us here in El Campello, which has been our home for the last 4 years.